Contact Us
St. Thomas Community Presbyterian Church is a part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is located in Shelby Twp., MI, serving our surrounding communities and the world at-large for 40 years
Our Vision is to: Reach More People for Christ, so that all may know the love and grace of God.
Our Mission is to: Love God, Share Christ, and Live in the Spirit.
We accomplish this through: Worship (Loving God), Mission Outreach and Evangelism (Sharing Christ), and Growing in Discipleship and Community (Living in the Spirit).
At St. Thomas, we believe that we grow best in faith--- and know God best--- in community!
We invite you to come experience the community that is St. Thomas Community Presbyterian Church.
If you would like o be kept informed about events going on at church you can email the crutch office with your email and they will add you to our weekly newletter
Service Time is Sunday at 10:00AM both on-line and in-person services.
Phone 586-781-3025 e-mail saint.thomas1@comcast.net