Changing HerStory
Inspired by faith, we take action to stand against this injustice, and celebrate the hope we can give to our sisters across the globe.
Our goal is to empower women worldwide and create positive changes by sharing a little of the opportunities that we have been given so that we can help change HerStory and she can change HER world.
What to expect at the biannual meeting:
- Start by getting to know each other over light snacks, desserts and tea/coffee
- Learn from knowledgeable guest speakers about various issues impacting women
- Broaden your understanding of the unfathomable challenges women in extreme poverty often face
- See how pooling our resources can make a difference by funding micro loans
- Member pledges will be collected and votes tallied
- Non-members will be given the opportunity to join Changing HerStory and vote on potential loan recipients
If you would like to read more about our upcoming event on Nov 6th and register fpor that event online click Here
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Upcoming Event
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View the video about Changing Her Story